Dom Magwili, Author
Dom Magwili, Author
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou

The Infernal Promise, An Epic Fantasy Novel
LOS ANGELES, Calif., February 28, 2022 —The Infernal Promise, an epic fantasy novel by Dom Magwili, is now available on in paperback and Kindle formats, with the audiobook to follow. This is the first book in the Legends from the First Hemisphere series.
In The Infernal Promise, a humble wagon train filled with immigrants headed for San Francisco suddenly finds itself lost in a faraway world, caught in the middle of a planetary invasion where animals walk and talk like people. The travelers face battle axes and power staffs, with hostile giants on four legs and two, eager for their death.
However, this is not your typical wagon train. It includes assassins posing as missionary nuns, a Filipino gambler armed with a Bowie knife and rattan fighting baton, two Chinese brothers leaving their lives as fighters for the prosperity of a land called Gold Mountain and Japanese adventurers looking to make America their home.
Author Dom Magwili wrote the book because "I wanted to see myself in these stories," he said. "I have written stage plays and screenplays. Their subject matter contained adventure, the fantastic, and swashbuckling, so I combined all of these things in The Infernal Promise. Magwili is currently writing the follow-up to The Infernal Promise, titled Soldiers of the Hook and Eye, with publication planned for 2023.
Legends from the First Hemisphere: The Infernal Promise is published by Digital Fabulists, an independent publisher of genre fiction.
ISBN Softcover: 9798773282587, 6” x 9”, 644 pages, $22.95 eBook for Amazon Kindle, $9.99
Published by Digital Fabulists, available through
Introduction to Dom Magwili, author of LEGENDS FROM HEMISPHERE: THE INFERNAL PROMISE
I was a child of television. Not just The Howdy Doody Show but Hopalong Cassidy and Disney’s Davey Crockett Adventures every Wednesday night. They filled my heart with wonder and amazement. And in the movies, I saw Steve Reeves as Hercules and Hercules Unchained. As I grew older, also I noticed that all these heroes didn’t look like me. The closest I got was Peter Lorre as Mr. Moto. I did better with Bruce Lee in the Green Hornet. I did real well when Bruce Lee was in Enter the Dragon. But who else? I looked around. Pickings were meager.
As I got involved with Asian American theatre and Asian American Studies, I found historical heroes mostly ignored by text books, Like the Filipinos who fought in the Battle of New Orleans with Jean Lafitte, The Chinese Fung Joe Guey, who flew the first motor driven airplane west of the Rockies in 1909, and the all Japanese American 442nd Combat team of the Second World War. And many more. There were so many heroes. They were inspirational. I stopped waiting for permission and I started writing stories where people who looked like me saved the day. I wanted to create a swashbuckling adventure where Asian Americans were heroic.
This is the result of my effort.

A reading from Legends of the First Hemisphere; The Infernal Promise. First Contact!